Sunday, May 6, 2018

Getting longer, not feeling stronger...

Today I completed week 4, day 2. While I was able to go 1.8 miles, I don't feel like I am getting any stronger. I must be since I am going .6 miles more than when I started and definitely jogging more than I was, but I'm so exhausted and cannot make it to the 5 minute jog that the app suggests. Once I hit 3 minutes I feel like my chest is going to explode. T-27 days until my first 5k, which is still 1.3 miles more than I can do right now. I think momentum will help me during the 5k.

I'm still battling this darn sinus infection as well...time to go back to the doctor tomorrow!

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

When life gets in the way

Today I completed Week 3, Day 3 of the Couch to 10K. I haven't been running in the last 6 days because of a really bad sinus infection, and family/friend obligations. It felt really hard since I hadn't worked out in so long. I realize that I need to set aside a certain time to run, or some days it won't happen.

I also realized that running in the heat is pretty hard since it is 80 degrees. I need to figure out a way to bring a water bottle with me while I am running. It felt good running in my new running clothes though!

Have a great day!

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Super proud!

I amazed myself today...anyone who knows me knows that I am NOT a morning person. But today Sammi went to school with my mom for Take Your Child to Work day, so I only had Joey. After catching up on some emails, about 7:30am I decided we should go outside for a run. I did my Couch 2 10k program (week 3, day 2). It was much harder doing it in the morning for me (like I said, not a morning person). Plus I was without my motivational partner and I had to push the stroller. I was ready to fall asleep when we got back to the house.

But I made another choice. I decided rather than going into the house and taking a short nap, I grabbed my computer and headed to Starbucks to get my tea and get some work done. Then I went to the gym and did 30 minutes of Zumba, followed by a Gentle Yoga class. By the way, nothing is gentle when you haven't done it in years!

Came home, and got myself all dolled up for my mother in laws retirement party tonight. Clothes are starting to fit a bit different. Yay!

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Rest Day!

I have been going at it pretty hard, and today was just a rainy miserable day outside. So I decided to take it easy. Yesterday I did some strength training at the gym AND went for a run, so I earned it!

I'm trying to decide if I should sign up for the Disney Princess Half-Marathon for February. I think it would totally motivate me, but I'm nervous that I won't be able to achieve it. Then I think to myself that if this was Sammi, I would tell her she definitely couldn't achieve it if she didn't even give it a try. Signups are not until June so I have some time to decide.

I went to the running store on Monday and got some cool running gear AND I bought myself a Fitbit Versa. Whatever keeps me motivated right?

Saturday, April 21, 2018

A down day, but maybe that's okay? Advice needed!

I haven't had my best two days. I did do my required run yesterday, but I have ate WAY more food than I should the past two days and I feel disappointed in myself. I need to be better about this...I do find that I am having more energy could be from the exercise, or maybe all of the matcha tea I have recently started having thanks to my awesome neighbor Laura showing me how to make it (let me know if you are interested, there are so many flavors!).

I plan on going for a nice run tomorrow, though, but now that I've completed almost two weeks (yay me?) I have decided I want to invest into this a bit more.

First of all, I need to buy a good pair of running shoes. While at a family bridal shower today I was talking to my cousin Melissa who has done a fair amount of running over the last 5 years. She suggested that I get a custom pair made, and some accessories to go with it. Hopefully this would help with the small amount of knee pain and back pain that seems to be coming along with my running.

I also want to buy some type of watch. I can't decide if it would be better to buy a smart watch like an Apple iPhone or buy an "exercise" watch like a FitBit Versa.

If anyone has any suggestions about this it would be so helpful.

I hope everyone is having a great weekend!

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Started Week 2 a day early!

I felt really good today, and it is supposed to pour tomorrow, so I decided to start week 2. When I looked at the program, I figured it wouldn't be much harder than week 1. In fact today's program was two minutes shorter. However, it involved more running and less walking. Wow, what a difference. My legs felt like they were on fire! I was also pushing the stroller for the first time, since Dave would usually push. I definitely need a rest day tomorrow. Maybe I'll try to lift some weights or something.

I still belong to the gym, but I am wondering if I should cancel the membership. It's a really good deal, and an amazing facility, but if I am going to be running 3-4 times a week, do I really see myself getting over there? Dave and I used to go together, which made it easy, but now our schedules are so different, plus there is the kid factor. I do like the idea of doing Zumba and yoga, so I'll have to decide.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Week 1 Done!

I did it! I completed the first week of 10K Runner. I even earned the determination badge. I'm really proud of myself. I'm not going to lie, I still don't love running just yet, and constantly want to stop when I am training, but I do feel accomplished when I finish the program. I'm also nervous to run by myself, because when I do feel like quitting I have Dave there who won't let me stop.

My wireless headphones came today so hopefully that will help!

Thanks for all of your support!

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Does it get easier?

I completed day 2 of my program today, and I have to say, it felt harder than day 1! I thought each day would get a bit easier, but I definitely didn't feel that way. Maybe it was because I ran a bit more, or maybe it was because I was still a bit sore. What was a ton of fun was having the kids come on our run with us! Dave pushed Joey around, and Sammi dribbled her soccer ball when we took our walking breaks.

All the exercise I did was useless in regards to calorie burning since I went to one of those couples cooking classes tonight. The food was delicious, but there was just too much! And I felt like I should try everything...and most of it was worth it!

To help me along with my running goals I have purchased a pair of wireless headphones and a running belt to keep my phone in. If (WHEN!) I successfully complete my first 5K I have decided to treat myself to a smart watch.

Tomorrow I am off to NYC to the American Girl store after a morning of soccer....maybe one day I'll be heading in NYC to complete the marathon...haha just kidding!

Thursday, April 12, 2018

No turning back...

Today I took the plunge and signed myself (and Dave) up for our first 5k together. On June 3rd, we will be running the Stomp the Monster 5k in Marlboro, NJ. Not only is this giving me a goal to aim for, but it already raises money for an excellent cause: providing assistance to cancer patients and their families when going through treatment for cancer. How great is this! Not only am I working to accomplish my goal, but doing it for a worthy reason. I'm a bit concerned about working up to running a 5k in a matter of 7 weeks, but I've always been one to work better under pressure.

In other news, I went to my first challah bake tonight. It was really enjoyable meeting other people from around the area, and I got to bring home a nice large challah to bake for the family. One thing that really hit home for me while I was there was that the leader discussed how we work so hard to create a nice life that we forget to live. Too many times I have been working too much or too hard instead of taking the time to enjoy my kids, or even enjoy quality alone time. I know so many others who do the same. I'm going to try to do better...Sammi and Joey deserve a mom who is fully there, not just sitting near them on the computer!

I did it!

Well it wasn't pretty...but I did it! Dave came home from school and told me he was going to get changed and go for a run. Imagine the look on his face when I asked if I could join him! I told him my plans and he is very excited for me. While I certainly held him back during his run, he was very proud that I even made the attempt. Now off to help the 7 year old with her homework!

Here we go!

Hi, this is Kate and this will be my running blog. Yes, if you know me, you read that correctly. One of my goals for many years has been to start running. I could give you all my excuses (2 kids, work, injuries and health issues, etc.) but that's in the past. What is important is that I am going to do this now. I think that by typing this and even publicizing it that it will keep me motivated and accountable, which is my main purpose for writing this. 

I've never been the smallest person, but growing up I kept busy playing soccer, doing dance, and even marching band, and so while I was overweight, I was still fairly athletic. As I grew in adulthood and started working, I let that go. I was so focused on others things that my health took a backseat, which I blame myself for. Every time I tried to get back on track, something would get in my way, and I would make that my excuse. Yes they were real excuses like knee injuries, high-risk pregnancies, and more, but they were still excuses. NO MORE!

Today while messing around on Facebook, a friend (thanks Andrea Blake!) posted that she was looking at getting into running at the gym. It really peaked my interest. I'm not sure why it was today that it just clicked. My husband Dave runs all the time, one of my close friends, Amy, is a personal trainer/bodybuilder, another close friend, Matt, runs races all the time, even my neighbors run together. But seeing it just reminded me that it is something I have always wanted to accomplish but was just never able put it together. 

So this is day 1. To start I have downloaded the app 10K Runner by Fitness22 to my iPhone. The hubby just got home from work and we are going to do Day 1 of the program together. 

I'm excited to be on this journey!