Thursday, April 12, 2018

Here we go!

Hi, this is Kate and this will be my running blog. Yes, if you know me, you read that correctly. One of my goals for many years has been to start running. I could give you all my excuses (2 kids, work, injuries and health issues, etc.) but that's in the past. What is important is that I am going to do this now. I think that by typing this and even publicizing it that it will keep me motivated and accountable, which is my main purpose for writing this. 

I've never been the smallest person, but growing up I kept busy playing soccer, doing dance, and even marching band, and so while I was overweight, I was still fairly athletic. As I grew in adulthood and started working, I let that go. I was so focused on others things that my health took a backseat, which I blame myself for. Every time I tried to get back on track, something would get in my way, and I would make that my excuse. Yes they were real excuses like knee injuries, high-risk pregnancies, and more, but they were still excuses. NO MORE!

Today while messing around on Facebook, a friend (thanks Andrea Blake!) posted that she was looking at getting into running at the gym. It really peaked my interest. I'm not sure why it was today that it just clicked. My husband Dave runs all the time, one of my close friends, Amy, is a personal trainer/bodybuilder, another close friend, Matt, runs races all the time, even my neighbors run together. But seeing it just reminded me that it is something I have always wanted to accomplish but was just never able put it together. 

So this is day 1. To start I have downloaded the app 10K Runner by Fitness22 to my iPhone. The hubby just got home from work and we are going to do Day 1 of the program together. 

I'm excited to be on this journey!

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